Bunny Money
Victoria Fuller
Victoria Fuller (b 1970) is an American artist. Her artwork is another of the PoCo museum artworks that deals with money. Hugh Hefner established Playboy magazine in 1953 and the clubs followed soon. The first cover and the centerfold also known as the Sweetheart (later Playmate) was Marilyn Monroe. Monroe had the naked photos taken years earlier because she desperately needed the money. In reality, she and Hefner never met. Both Monroe and Hefner were born in 1926 and Hefner bought himself a plot, so his headstone would be next to Monroe after his death. One had to be wealthy enough to become a keyholder in the Playboy clubs and it was also a prestigious thing. Current artwork Bunny Money refers to Playboy and its Bunny money, which was used to pay in United States Playboy Clubs and Hotels for drinks, food etc.
Victoria Fuller (s 1970) on Ameerika kunstnik. Tema teos on järjekordne PoCo muuseumi teos, mis tegeleb rahaga. Hugh Hefner lõi Playboy ajakirja 1953. aastal ning peagi järgnes sellele ka klubide avamine. Esimene ajakirja kaanel ja ka postril oli Sweetheart (hiljem Playmate) Marilyn Monroe. Monroe oli teinud aktifotod aastaid varem, sest tal oli hädasti raha vaja ning reaalsuses ei kohtunud ta kunagi Hefneriga. Mõlemad, Monroe ja Hefner sündisid 1926. aastal ning Hefner ostis endale platsi, et tema hauakivi oleks pärast surma Monroe kõrval. Et pääseda Playboy klubidesse, pidi olema jõukas, et endle klubi võtit lubada, samas oli võtme omamine ka prestiiži küsimus. “Bunny Money” viitab Playboy ajakirjale ning selle välja antud Bunny moneyle, mida kasutati Ameerika Ühendriikide Playboy klubides ja hotellides, et maksta jookide, söökide jm eest.