Print & Destroy


Shepard Fairey

Shepard Fairey (b 1970) is an American artist and founder of OBEY clothing. Print & Destroy is a work that, according to the author, carries an idea of him as a product of mass culture. Mass culture is something that is directly created by printing technology, and the artist’s biggest influences have been printed things like record sleeves, t-shirt designs, punk flyers and skateboard graphics. According to Fairey, since the invention of the printing press, there has been a move towards the democratization of art, and this has given him the opportunity to spread his messages with printed posters on the streets, as well as giving those interested an affordable way to acquire them.

Shepard Fairey (s 1970) on Ameerika kunstnik ja OBEY rõivabrändi looja. “Print & Destroy” on teos, mis autori sõnul kannab tema kui massikultuuri toote ideed. Massikultuur on midagi, mis on otseselt trükitehnika loodud ning kunstniku suurimad mõjutajad on olnud trükitud asjad nagu plaadiümbrised, t-särkide kujundused, punk flaierid ning rulade graafika. Fairey sõnul on alates trükipressi leiutamisest liigutud kunsti demokratiseerimise poole ning see on andnud talle võimaluse oma sõnumeid trükitud plakatitega tänavatel levitada ning ühtlasi andnud huvilistele taskukohase viisi neid soetada.