

Enno Hallek

Enno Hallek (b 1931) is a Swedish artist and professor with Estonian roots. In the 1940s, he fled with his family from Soviet Estonia to Sweden. His first solo exhibition took place in 1963, and since then he has exhibited his works regularly. Hallek’s art is heavily inspired by the sunsets and rainbows he experienced as a child while living on his family’s fishing trawler. Since the 1990s, he has created a series of paintings, the so-called portable sunsets. These are semi-circles made of plywood, which are connected with strings and have a handle. Hallek’s work has been seen uniting the abstract Wassily Kandinsky and figurative Pop art.

Enno Hallek (s 1931) on Eesti juurtega Rootsi kunstnik ja professor. 1940. aastatel põgenes ta oma perega Nõukogude Eestist Rootsi. Tema esimene isikunäitus toimus 1963. aastal ning alates sellest on ta oma töid regulaarselt eksponeerinud. Halleki looming on ohtralt inspiratsiooni saanud lapsepõlves kogetud päikeseloojangutest ja vikerkaartest, mida ta oma pere kalatraaleril elades koges. Alates 1990. aastatest on ta loonud maaliseeriat, nn kaasaskantavaid päikeseloojanguid. Tegemist on vineerist poolringidega, mis on nööridega ühendatud ning millel on käepide. Halleki loomingus on nähtud abstraktse Vassili Kandinsky ja figuratiivse popkunsti ühendamist.