Wrapped Magazine (Marilyn Monroe)


Christo & Jeanne-Claude

The husband and wife artist duo Christo Vladimirov Javacheff (1935-2020) and Jeanne-Claude Denat de Guillebon (1935-2009) are known for their large-format installations. For example, they wrapped up the Reichstag building (1995), and the wrapping up of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris (2021) took place only after their deaths. As a rule, the realization of the works took years due to their size and preparation. In addition to fabric, the earlier example also concerns barrels, in 1962 they blocked a street in Paris for hours with 240 barrels, the work was called The Iron Curtain and it was a comment on the Berlin Wall. Marilyn Monroe, who seems to be hidden in a package, appeared on the cover of more than 90 magazines during her lifetime.

Abikaasadest kunstnike duo Christo Vladimirov Javacheff (1935-2020) ja Jeanne-Claude Denat de Guillebon (1935-2009) on tuntud oma suureformaadiliste installatsioonide poolest. Näiteks pakkisid nad sisse Reichstagi hoone (1995) ning Pariisi Tähe triumfikaare (2021) sissepakkimine sai teoks alles pärast nende surma. Reeglina võttis teoste realiseerumine oma mahu tõttu aastaid aega. Lisaks kangale puudutab varasem näide ka tünne, 1962. aastal blokeerisid nad 240 tünniga Pariisis tundideks ühe tänava, teose nimi oli “Raudne eesriie” ning see oli kommentaariks Berliini müürile. Marilyn Monroe, kes on  justkui pakis peidus, figureeris oma eluajal üle 90 ajakirja kaanel.