Queen Elizabeth two dogs
Death NYC
Death NYC is an anonymous New York street artist who wittily fuses the motifs of well-known artists and icons of popular culture. In the last room, Keith Haring’s well-known motif – the dog appears on two Death NYC artworks and comes into a new context. Firstly, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom does not walk with her favorites, corgis, but with Haring’s dogs. Second, Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper, in which, in addition to the bright stripes of color, the so-called Haring’s dog has also entered. Other famous dogs in the art world belong to Jeff Koons, his balloon dogs have also found their way into the work of other artists, including Banksy.
Death NYC on anonüümne New Yorgi tänavakunstnik, kes sulandab vaimukalt kokku tuntud kunstnike motiivid ning populaarse kultuuri ikoonid. Viimases saalis satub Keith Haringu tuntud motiiv – koer kahel Death NYC teosel uude konteksti. Esiteks Ühendkuningriigi kuninganna Elizabeth II ei jaluta mitte oma lemmikute, korgidega, vaid Haringu koertega. Teiseks Leonardo da Vinci “Püha õhtusöömaaeg”, kuhu lisaks erksatele värviribadele on sattunud ka nn Haringu koer. Kunstimaailma teised kuulsad koerad kuuluvad Jeff Koonsile, tema õhupallikoerad on samuti teiste kunstnike, sh Banksy loomingusse jõudnud.