The Blue Boy


James Rizzi

James Rizzi (1950 – 2011) was an American Pop artist with a degree in fine arts from the University of Florida. His work is characterized by bright colors, complex graphics and cheerful symbols. Rizzi’s work includes many scenes from the life of his hometown, New York. His breakthrough moment can be considered 1974, when he was hired to create an advertisement for the Brooklyn Academy of Music’s Next Wave festival. In 2008, Rizzi became the first artist commissioned by the German government to design official stamps.

James Rizzi (1950 – 2011) oli Ameerika popkunstnik, kellel on Florida ülikooli kaunite kunstide kraad. Tema loomingule on iseloomulikud erksad värvid, keerukas graafika ja rõõmsad sümbolid. Rizzi loomingus on palju stseene tema kodulinna New Yorgi elust.Tema läbimurde hetkeks võib pidada 1974. aastat, mil ta palgati looma reklaami Brooklyni Muusikaakadeemia festivalile Next Wave. 2008. aastal sai Rizzist esimene kunstnik, kellelt Saksamaa valitsus tellis ametlike postmarkide kujunduse.