Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol first presented Flowers artworks in 1964 at the Leo Castelli Gallery. At that time, 300 serigraphs were issued. The Flowers series is based on a photograph of hibiscus flowers taken by photographer Patricia Caulfield in Barbados and published in Modern Photography magazine. The photographer sued Warhol, and the case was settled out of court in Caulfield’s favor. Warhol created two new Flowers paintings for the photographer and agreed to pay her 25% of the royalties from the Flowers prints. The fact that Warhol had depicted brands and celebrities for years without anyone taking him to court is quite surprising. It is possible that the lawsuit was the reason why Warhol later turned to photography and created a series of serigraphs based on his photographs. Both the flowers and Marilyn are unmistakably Warhol, and the artist dealt with both visual appropriation and image creation possibilities throughout his career.
Andy Warhol esitles lilledega teoseid esmakordselt 1964. aastal Leo Castelli galeriis. Tollal anti välja 300 serigraafiat. “Flowers” seeria tugineb fotograaf Patricia Caulfieldi Barbadosel tehtud fotol hibiskuseõitest ning see ilmus Modern Photography ajakirjas. Fotograaf andis Warholi kohtusse ning hagi lahendati kohtuväliselt Caulfieldi kasuks. Warhol lõi fotograafile kaks uut “Flowers” maali ja nõustus talle maksma 25% “Flowers” trükiste autoritasudest. Üsna üllatav on asjaolu, et Warhol oli aastaid kujutanud kaubamärke ning kuulsuseid ilma, et keegi ta kohtusse annaks. Võimalik, et kohtuasi oli põhjus, miks Warhol hiljem fotograafia poole pöördus ning oma fotodele tuginedes ka serigraafia seeriaid lõi. Nii lilled kui ka Marilyn on ilmeksimatult Warhol ning kunstnik tegeles kogu oma karjääri jooksul nii visuaalse omastamise kui ka pildiloome võimalustega.