
21st century

Neamedia Icons

Bomberman is a video game created in 1980s Japan. There is also a character named Bomberman in it, a robot who has to find his way through a maze. To get to the next part of the maze, he blows up rocks with bombs, under which doors are hidden. The sculpture has been completed in collaboration with Konami Digital Entertainment. Today, the figurine offers nostalgia for those who grew up with the video game. He also draws attention to the fact that many well-known characters from both movies and games have found their way into Pop art.

Bomberman on 1980. aastate Jaapanis loodud videomäng. Ühtlasi kannab Bombermani nime tegelane, robot, kes peab labürindis tee leidma. Järgmistesse labürindi osadesse pääsemiseks õhkab ta pommidega kivisid, mille all peituvad uksed. Skulptuur on valminud koostöös firmaga Konami Digital Entertainment. Tänasel päeval pakub kujuke nostalgitsemise võimalust neile, kes on videomänguga üles kasvanud. Ühtlasi juhib ta tähelepanu asjaolule, kuidas paljud tuntud tegelased nii filmidest kui ka mängudest on oma tee popkunsti leidnud.