Comedian – Inflatable poster
Maurizio Cattelan
Maurizio Cattelan (b 1960) is an Italian artist, who is mostly known for his hyperrealistic artworks. Oftentimes he is considered the prankster of the art world because of his satirical approach. His Comedian (2019) was a sensation in the Art Basel Miami art show as it depicted a fresh banana duck-taped to the wall. In 2024 it was sold for over 6 million dollars. Justin Sun, the cryptocurrency entrepreneur, who bought the artwork, ate the banana on-stage claiming the concept was the one, which mattered. Current version is an inflatable poster that was created accompanying the 2022 exhibition Wish You Were Here in UCCA (Center for Contemporary Art) Beijing.
Maurizio Cattelan (s 1960) on Itaalia kunstnik, kes on peamiselt tuntud oma hüperrealistlike kunstiteoste poolest. Tihti peetakse teda satiirilise lähenemise tõttu kunstimaailma naljameheks. Tema “Comedian” (2019) oli Art Basel Miami näituse sensatsioon, kuna kujutas värsket banaani nn MacGyveri teibiga seinale kinnitatuna. 2024. aastal ületas teose müügihind 6 miljonit dollarit. Kunstiteose ostnud krüptovaluutaga tegelev ettevõtja Justin Sun sõi laval banaani ära, väites, et teose kontseptsioon on kõige olulisem. Käesolev teose versioon on täispuhutav plakat, mis loodi 2022. aasta UCCA (Center for Contemporary Art) Pekingi näituse “Wish You Were Here” raames.