Andy Warhol shopping at Gristede’s supermarket on Second Avenue, 1965

20th century

Bob Adelman

Bob Adelman (1931-2016) was an American photographer. He is known for his images of the civil rights movement. In the early 1960s, the leaders of the movement, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. and James Baldwin, were in front of his lens. In addition to Warhol, he photographed artists such as Roy Lichtenstein,  James Rosenquist, Tom Wesselmann and others. The Adelman archive contains nearly 50,000 photographs and nearly 525,000 negatives and slides. This photo of Warhol captures the artist on his everyday shopping trip, yet the products – Campbell and Brillo – which he raised to new heights with his art, are casually in his shopping cart.

Bob Adelman (1931-2016) oli Ameerika fotograaf. Ta on tuntud oma kodanikuõiguste liikumise piltide poolest. 1960. aastate alguses olid tema objektiivi ees liikumise juhid Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. ja James Baldwin. Kunstnikest pildistas ta lisaks Warholile ka Roy Lichtensteini, James Rosenquisti, Tom Wesselmanni jt. Adelmani arhiivis on ligi 50 000 fotot ning ligi 525 000 negatiivi ja slaidi. Antud foto Warholist tabab kunstnikku tema argisel poeskäigul, ometigi vaatavad tema ostukärust vastu tooted – Campbell ja Brillo, mille ta oma kunstiga uutesse kõrgustesse tõstis.