POP Double Banana Lisa (gradiant fluo)

21st century

Ziegler T

Ziegler T is French artist Thierry Ziegler. He is influenced by Pop art and the classics of painting. In his work, he has interpreted both Mona Lisa and Banksy. This work belongs to the Pop art series, where other heroes include Che Guevara and a bottle of Coca-Cola. There is also a Roy Lichtenstein cartoon-style still life with spray paint and a lemon. Playfully, the last work is titled Still Alive instead of Still Life.

Ziegler T on Prantsuse kunstnik Thierry Ziegler. Ta on mõjutatud popkunstist ning maalikunsti klassikast. Tema loomingus vaatavad vastu nii Mona Lisa kui ka Banksy tõlgendused. Antud teos kuulub popkunsti seeriasse, kus teiste kangelastena leiab Che Guevara ja Coca-Cola pudeli. Samuti on seal Roy Lichtensteinile omases koomiksistiilis natüürmort, kus on kujutatud aerosoolvärvi ja sidrunit. Mänguliselt on viimase teose nimeks “Still Life” asemel hoopis “Still Alive”.