Banksy Van Gogh


Mr Brainwash

Mr Brainwash (b 1966) is a French born Los Angeles based self-taught artist Thierry Guetta. He started as a filmmaker documenting life and street art around him. In the process, he befriended both Shepard Fairey and Banksy. Speaking about the outcome, a documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop is a must to watch to get a sneak peek into the making of street art. Banksy Van Gogh was part of his Los Angeles show Life is beautiful and it depicts the notorious street artist Banksy in Vincent van Gogh’s bedroom in Arles. Mr Brainwash is a master, who is combining the existing layers of art and culture. His name describes rather well what he does – brainwash, creating confusion, recognition and humour.

Mr Brainwash (s 1966) on Prantsuse päritolu Los Angeleses elav iseõppinud kunstnik Thierry Guetta. Ta alustas filmitegijana dokumenteerides elu ja teda ümbritsevat tänavakunsti. Protsessi käigus sai ta tuttavaks nii Shepard Fairey kui ka Banksyga. Rääkides tulemustest, on dokumentaalfilm “Exit Through the Gift Shop” kohustuslik vaatamine, et tänavakunsti telgitagustest aimu saada. “Banksy van Gogh” pärineb tema Los Angelese näituselt “Life is beautiful” ja kujutab kurikuulsat tänavakunstnikku Banksyt Vincent van Gogh Arles magamistoas. Mr Brainwash on meister, kes kombineerib olemasolevaid kunsti ja kultuuri kihte. Tema nimi kirjeldab üsna täpselt seda, mida ta teeb – ajupesu, luues segadust, äratundmist ja huumorit.