Beautiful Inside My Head Forever
Damien Hirst
Damien Hirst (b 1965) is a British artist, art collector and entrepreneur. One of the best known works by Hirst is The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living (1991), which is basically a dead tiger shark, which is preserved in a tank filled with formaldehyde. Just like Andy Warhol, Hirst is interested in death, it is one of the main themes in his art. Hirst used hundreds of cigarette butts and ash in the medical display cabinet in his 2008 artwork The Abyss. In the current artwork there is a massive contrast between blooming flowers full of life and “dead” cigarette butts, which won´t decompose in nature. Flowers will come again and blossom, cigarettes won’t.
Damien Hirst (s 1965) on Briti kunstnik, kunstikoguja ja ettevõtja. Üks tuntumaid ja vastuolulisemaid Hirsti töid on “The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living” (1991), mis on sisuliselt surnud tiigerhai, keda säilitatakse formaldehüüdis. Nii nagu Andy Warholi, huvitab Hirsti kunstnikuna surm, see on tema kunsti üks peamisi teemasid. Hirst kasutas sadu konisid ja sigaretituhka oma 2008. aasta kunstiteoses “The Abyss”, kus ta neid meditsiinilises vitriinis näitas. Käesolevas kunstiteoses tekib väga suur kontrast elust pakatavate õitsvate lillede ja “surnud” konide vahel, mis looduses ei lagune. Lilled tulevad taas ja puhkevad õide, sigaretid mitte.