Blossoming passion


Mark Kostabi

Mark Kalev Kostabi (b 1960) is an American artist and composer with Estonian roots. One can recognize his artworks thanks to the faceless people. The idea is to use universal language and leave characters free from any racial associations. In 1988 the artist established Kostabi World, where his assistants executed his paintings. Kostabi used to have a TV show called The Kostabi Show, where well-known people competed to name his paintings. The artworks have made it to album covers such as Guns N´Roses albums Use Your Illusion I and II from 1991, in which case the artwork was based on Raphael´s 16th century The School of Athens. In the current artwork Kostabis lovers meet Andy Warhol Flowers series, which one could see in the first hall of the PoCo museum. 

Mark Kalev Kostabi (s 1960) on Eesti juurtega Ameerika kunstnik ja helilooja. Tema teostele on iseloomulikud inimesed, kellel puuduvad näod. Idee seisneb univeraalse keele kasutamises ning tegelaste vabaks jätmisel igasuguste rassi seoste osas. 1988. aastal asutas kunstnik Kostabi Worldi, kus tema abilised tema maale teostasid. Kostabil oli Ameerika Ühendriikides oma saade “The Kostabi Show”, kus tuntud inimesed võistlesid Kostabi maalidele nimede panemisel. Kunstniku looming on ehtinud ka albumeid, näiteks nagu Guns Ń´Roses “Use Your Illusion I ja II” (1991), mis tugineb Raphaeli “Ateena koolil”. Antud teosel kohtuvad Kostabi armastajad Andy Warholi “Flowers” seeriaga, mida oli võimalik PoCo muuseumi esimeses saalis näha.