Boy Meets Girl


Alexei Gordin

Alexei Gordin (b 1989) is an artist working in Estonia. He has a bachelor’s degree in Fine arts from the Estonian Academy of Arts and a master’s degree in the same field from the University of Helsinki. The artist works in the field of painting, video, photography and performance. Gordin’s works are mainly narrative in nature, and this painting has added the world of art as a new setting in his oeuvre. The title of the work refers to the meeting of young people, but the world of liking is harsh, containing the opportunity to give and take thumbs up likes at a relentless speed. Virtual likes are popular, but are they also permanent?

Alexei Gordin (s 1989) on Eestis tegutsev kunstnik. Tal on Eesti kunstiakadeemia vabade kunstide bakalaureusekraad ning sama eriala magistrikraad Helsingi Ülikoolist. Kunstnik tegutseb nii maalikunsti, video, foto kui ka performansi vallas. Gordini teosed on peamiselt jutustavat laadi ning antud maalil on tema loomingusse uue sündmuspaigana lisandunud kunstimaailm. Teose pealkiri viitab noorte kohtumisele, kuid meeldimise maailm on karm sisaldades võimalust anda ja võtta pöial püsti meeldimisi halastamatu kiirusega. Virtuaalsed “like´d” on popid, aga kas nad on ka püsivad?