Nimeta (Can we play…)
Alexei Gordin
Alexei Gordin (b 1989) is an artist working in Estonia. He has a bachelor’s degree in Fine arts from the Estonian Academy of Arts and a master’s degree in the same field from the University of Helsinki. The artist works in the field of painting, video, photography and performance. The art world is one of Gordin’s selected and created venues in his artworks. On this occasion, the children play a video game that unfolds between the gallery walls. Although the boys have the opportunity to play war virtually, the art world does not seem to interest them and they would like to change the game.
Alexei Gordin (s 1989) on Eestis tegutsev kunstnik. Tal on Eesti Kunstiakadeemia vabade kunstide bakalaureusekraad ning sama eriala magistrikraad Helsingi Ülikoolist. Kunstnik tegutseb nii maalikunsti, video, foto kui ka performansi vallas. Kunstimaailm on üks Gordini valitud ning loodud teoste sündmuskohti. Sellel korral mängivad lapsed videomängu, mis hargneb lahti galeriiseinte vahel. Kuigi poistel on virtuaalselt võimalus sõda mängida, siis kunstimaailm ei paista neid huvitavat ja nad sooviksid mängu vahetada.