Queen in a Gas Mask (COVIDIAN CULTURE Stamps of Mass Contamination)


Jimmy Cauty

Jimmy Cauty (b 1956) is an English musician and artist. He is best known as a member of the band KLF and the man who burned a million pounds. In 2003, stamps of the Queen with a gas mask were issued for the first time to mark the start of the Iraq War. In 2004, they were issued again to mark the continuation of the war against terror. Both times the Royal Mail threatened to sue him. The 2020 germ-free stamps commemorate one year since the beginning of the Covid “culture”. According to Cauty, gas masks are much more effective than N-95 masks and should be worn by all heads of state.

Jimmy Cauty (s 1956) on Inglismaa muusik ja kunstnik. Enim on ta tuntud kui bändi KLF liige ning mees, kes põletas ära miljon naela. 2003. aastal anti gaasimaskiga kuninganna postmargid esimest korda välja markeerimaks Iraagi sõja algust. 2004. aastal anti need taas välja tähistamaks terrorismivastase sõja jätkumist. Mõlemal korral ähvardas Kuninglik Post ta kohtusse kaevata. 2020. aasta mikroobivabad postmargid mälestavad ühe aasta möödumist Covid “kultuuri” algusest. Cauty arvates on gaasimaskid hulga tõhusamad kui N-95 maskid ja neid peaksid kandma kõik riigipead.