Peterloo Massacre 200th Anniversary Signed Edition


Jimmy Cauty

Jimmy Cauty (b 1956) is an English musician and artist. He is best known as a member of the band KLF and the man who burned a million pounds. These stamps mark the 200th anniversary of the Peterloo massacre. The Peterloo riots took place in Manchester in 1819, where radical leader Henry Hunt gathered to demonstrate dissatisfaction with high food prices and industrial depression. About 60,000 people participated, and the army was ordered to arrest the speakers. Unfortunately, the seizure turned violent and, according to various reports, 11 people were killed and around 500 were wounded. The artist has also created protective shields with smiley faces, because essentially a peaceful crowd was attacked.

Jimmy Cauty (s 1956) on Inglismaa muusik ja kunstnik. Enim on ta tuntud kui bändi KLF liige ning mees, kes põletas ära miljon naela. Antud postmargid tähistavad Peterloo veresauna 200. aastapäeva. Peterloo versaun leidis aset 1819. aastal Manchesteris, kus radikaalse juhi Henry Hunti eestvedamisel koguneti, et demonstreerida rahulolematust kõrgete toiduhindadega ning tööstusliku depressiooniga. Osales umbes 60 000 inimest ning väesalgal kästi kõnelejad arreteerida. Paraku muutus kinnivõtmine vägivaldseks ning erinevatel andmetel hukkus 11 inimest ning umbes 500 sai haavata. Kunstnik on loonud ka naerunägudega kaitsekilpe, sest sisuliselt rünnati rahumeelset rahvamassi.