
21st century

Burton Morris

Burton Morris (b 1964) is an American artist. His style is characterized by black outlines, bright colors and graphic depictions of American icons. His artwork is often used in advertising and marketing campaigns because he captures the essence of a brand or product exceptionally well. Since 1994, his art received a lot of attention because it appeared in the Central Perk cafe in the series Friends and decorated the interior for 10 seasons. Morris was the artist of the official poster of the 76th Oscars gala held in 2004, and he created the poster for the USA team for the Summer Olympics held in Athens in the same year.

Burton Morris (s 1964) on Ameerika kunstnik. Tema stiilile on iseloomulikud mustad piirjooned, erksad värvid ning graafiline Ameerika ikoonide kujutamine. Tema kunstiteoseid kasutatakse sageli reklaami- ja turunduskampaaniates kuna ta tabab erakordselt hästi brändi või toote olemust. Alates 1994. aastast sai tema kunst suure tähelepanu osaliseks kuna see ilmus seriaali “Sõbrad” Central Perk kohvikusse ning kaunistas 10 hooaega sealset interjööri. Morris oli 2004. aastal toimunud  76. Oscarite gala ametliku plakati autor ning samal aastal Ateenas toimund suveolümpiamängudele lõi ta USA koondise plakati.