Dagens Nyheter
Torkel Dahlstedt
Torkel Dahlstedt (b 1942) is a Swedish artist and designer. “Dagens Nyheter” is a daily newspaper and the artist is using a 19.10.1976 number of it. On current artwork the artist has created a very bold image on the front page of a popular newspaper. It might seem like a typography at first, but it has a clear reference to penis as well. Not many people are willing to see it on the front page, therefore it creates a contradiction between what people want to see on the news and what they are willing to see on the media.
Torkel Dahlstedt (s 1942) on Rootsi kunstnik ja disainer. “Dagens Nyheter” on Rootsi päevaleht ja kunstnik kasutab selle 19.10.1976 numbrit. Käesolev kunstiteos on väga julge lähenemine populaarse ajalehe esikaanel. Esmapilgul võib see meenutada tüpograafiat, kuid sellel on selge viide peenisele. Vähesed inimesed on valmis seda esikaanel nägema, seega tekib vastuolu selle vahel, mida inimesed uudistes näha tahavad ja mida nad on valmis meediast vastu võtma.