Killing of a Killer
Thomas Dellert
Thomas Dellert (b 1953) is a Swedish artist, whose work “Killing of a Killer” is a question on its own. The artwork depicts Lee Harvey Oswald, who was shot by Jack Ruby in Dallas in 1963. Oswald is known as the killer of US 35th president John F. Kennedy, but Oswald was assassinated just 2 days after, apparently Jack Ruby “did it for Jackie”. The artist was only 10 at a time and the story was on the news and left a mark in his childhood. The reason why he has been using bright colours for violent scene is that he was just a child when the actual event took place and the artwork is therefore like a childrens colouring book. Dellert has a direct visual language and he uses irony and humor to depict 20th century history in his art.
Thomas Dellert (s 1953) on Rootsi kunstnik, kelle teos “Tappes tapjat” on omamoodi küsimus. Nimelt kujutatakse teosel Lee Harvey Oswaldit, keda Jack Ruby 1963. aastal Dallases tulistas. Oswald on tuntud kui Ameerika 35. presidendi John F. Kennedy mõrvar ning Jack Ruby tulistas Oswaldit vaid 2 päeva pärast algset kuritööd põhjendades seda kui “ma tegin seda Jackie pärast”. Kunstnik oli tollal vaid 10-aastane ning lugu kajastati uudistes ja see jättis tema lapsepõlve jälje. Põhjus, miks on vägivallastseeni puhul kasutatud erksaid värve, seisneb selles, et kuna kunstnik oli sündmuse toimumise ajal laps, siis on teos ka justkui laste värviraamat. Dellerti visuaalne keel on väga otsekohene ning ta kasutab irooniat ja huumorit, et oma kunstis 20. sajandi ajalugu kujutada.