See ei ole diip
Edward von Lõngus is known as the Estonian Banksy as his identity is unknown to the public, yet his work is very much well-known. Besides, parallels with Banksy can be made because both artists have a very critical social nerve. Edward von Lõngus is referencing a legendary artwork by Belgian artist Rene Magritte “The Treachery of Images” (1929), which depicts an image of a pipe. Underneath one can read: “This is not a pipe”, therefore Magritte stressed that it was only a representation of a pipe, not an actual one, that could be used. In current artwork an extra layer and a wordplay in Estonian is created, instead of the original text it says “This is not deep”. Therefore this artwork boldly questions the pocket bag above. Even though it represents the legendary artwork, it is not the original, but a textile bag, which people can use for their grocery shopping. After all, who decides what’s deep and what’s not?
Edward von Lõngus on tuntud kui Eesti Banksy, sest tema isik on avalikkusele tundmatu, kuid tema looming on see-eest väga tuntud. Lisaks sellele saab tuua paralleele Banksyga kuna mõlemad on väga tundliku sotsiaalse närviga. Edward von Lõngus tõlgendab legendaarset Belgia kunstniku Rene Magritte’i teost “The Treachery of Images” (1929), millel on maalitud piibu kujutis ning selle all tekst: “See ei ole piip”, seega Magritte rõhutas et tegemist on piibu representatsiooniga, mitte tegeliku piibuga, mida kasutada saab. Käesolevas kunstiteoses on loodud uus kiht ja eestikeelne sõnamäng, mis ütleb originaalteksti asemel: “See ei ole diip”. Seega antud teos seab enda kohal oleva koti julgelt kahtluse alla. Vaatamata sellele, et see esindab legendaarset kunstiteost, ei ole see originaal, vaid tekstiilist kott, mida inimesed saavad poeskäikudel kasutada. Lõppude lõpuks, kes otsustab, mis on diip ja mis mitte?