Indiana Elliot
Robert Indiana
Robert Indiana (1928–2018) was an American Pop artist whose best-known motif is the word love with a tilted letter o. Indiana Elliott portrays a character from the opera The Mother of Us All, composed by Virgil Thomson and libretto by Gertrude Stein. It was a fictional character whose wedding to Jo Loiter is one of the main events of the story. The opera dealt with the 19th century women’s suffrage movement, and Indiana was the production’s costume designer twice, in 1967 and 1976. Virgil Thomson personally requested that Indiana’s poster depict the opera as an American pop opera.
Robert Indiana (1928–2018) oli Ameerika popkunstnik, kelle tuntuim motiiv on viltuse o-tähega sõna love. Teose Indiana Elliott kujutab tegelast ooperist “The Mother of Us All”, mille helilooja oli Virgil Thomson ja libreto autor Gertrude Stein. Tegemist oli väljamõeldud karakteriga, kelle pulm Jo Loiteriga on üks loo põhisündmus. Ooper tegeles 19. sajandi naiste valimisõiguste küsimusega ning Indiana oli lavastuse kostüümikunstnik kahel korral, 1967. ja 1976. aastal. Virgil Thomson palus isiklikult, et Indiana plakatil ooperit kui Ameerika popooperit kujutaks.