Endless Argentine Tango
Roope Rainisto
Roope Rainisto is a Finnish artist. In his own words he is the artist enslaving the computers. Argentine Tango is known as a secret danced between two people, therefore the contact with the dance partner is crucial. Argentine Tango began in the 19th century in Buenos Aires, where this sensual dance spread in the lower classes of the society. Even though the closeness and movements of partners make it very sexy, the songs that accompanied the dance often talked about the opposite, the love that wasn’t met and the despair. Historically men used to dance with men to practice to impress their future female partners. Even though stereotypically Nordic people might come across as reserved, in this AI generated endless dance the moments of physical contact are infinite.
Roope Rainisto on Soome kunstnik. Enda sõnul on ta kunstnik, kes orjastab arvuteid. Argentiina tango kohta öeldakse, et see on saladus, mida tantsitakse kahe inimese vahel, seega äärmiselt oluline on tantsupartneriga kontakti loomine. Argentiina tango sai alguse 19. sajandil Buenos Aireses, kus see sensuaalne tants levis madalamate ühiskonnaklasside seas. Kuigi Argentiina tango puhul on partnerid väga lähestikku ning nende liikumine on seksuaalse alatooniga, siis laulud, mis tantsu saatsid rääkisid tihti vastupidisest, armastusest, millele ei vastatud ning meeleheitest. Ajalooliselt tantsisid mehed meestega, et harjutada oma tulevastele naispartneritele mulje avaldamiseks. Vaatamata sellele, et stereotüüp räägib vaoshoitud Põhjamaade inimestest, siis tehisintellekti poolt loodud lõputu tants loob igavikulisi füüsilise kontakti hetki.