Procgen Entomology #98
The project is designed by French artist Christophe “Ulu” Choffel for the Fxhash Gentk platform and In the center of it are insect like models since the author is fond of real insects. The artist finds inspiration in their diversity, colours and shapes. Also, the artworks are nostalgic because the fantasy insects are depicted like the entomologists did it in the past. Even though the artworks are very contemporary and digital, when looking at them one can almost sense the smell of the old paper and the tonality of the artworks takes back in time. In creating the imaginary insects there is no scientific basis and the self generating NFT art project is based on the 3 part body model and reasonable placement of legs and wings. When the artist began writing the code he had something abstract in mind, but the process led to the insects.
Projekti autoriks on Prantsuse kunstnik Christophe “Ulu” Choffel ja see on algusest lõpuni disainitud Fxhash Gentk platvormile ning selle keskmes on putukalaadsed mudelid, kuna putukad on autorile sümpaatsed. Ta leiab, et nende mitmekesisus, värvid ja kujud on inspireerivad. Samuti tekitavad teosed nostalgiat kuna fantaasiaputukaid on kujutatud nii nagu putukateadlased seda varasemalt tegid. Kuigi teosed on väga kaasaegsed ja digitaalsed, siis neid vaadates võib justkui tunda vana paberi lõhna ja teoste tonaalsus viib samuti ajas tagasi. Kujuteldavate putukate loomisel puudub teaduslik alus ning ennast loov NFT kunstiprojekt lähtub kolmeosalisest kehast ja mõistlikust jalgade ja tiibade paigutusest. Kunstnik alustas koodi kirjutades hoopis millegi abstraksemaga, kuid jõudis protsessi jooksul putukateni välja.