Flower Thrower; Girl with Balloon; HMV; Rude Copper; Pillow Fight; Banksquiat; Fast Food Caveman
Banksy (b 1974) is a living legend of street art. His artworks and actions speak clearly of his world views and provide support and hope for many. In PoCo museum one can see different artworks by Banksy. The years refer to the time when the artworks first appeared whether on the streets as murals or elsewhere for example in the rooms of the Walled Off Hotel in Bethlehem. The visitors of PoCo museum can admire artworks such as: “Flower Thrower” (2003), “Girl with Balloon” (2003), “HMV” (2003), “Rude Copper” (2002),“Pillow Fight” (2007) , “Banksquiat” (2019) and “Fast Food Caveman” (2004). “Flower Thrower” is a mural on the Palestinian side of the West Bank and shows how fighting is possible without weapons. “Girl with Balloon” first appeared on the streets of London with a message “There is always hope”, hence it has become the symbol of positivity and it also deals with a childhood topic in Banksy’s art. “HMV” refers to a famous music and entertainment store HMV in England, the original “His Master’s Voice” is a painting from 1898 by Francis Barraud and it depicts how the dog had actually been curious where the sound came from. Banksy’s take could be seen as a lost battle of the music industry when it comes to the digital age. “Rude Copper” depicts an English police officer showing his middle finger to the viewers. On one hand one can think about the illegal aspect of graffiti and on the other hand about the power which is tied to the laws. “Pillow Fight” is a mural in the Walled Off Hotel in Bethlehem, it is a headboard in a room known as Banksy’s room. It depicts an Israeli boarder policeman and Palestinian man having an innocent pillow fight instead of a long conflict. “Banksquiat” is a homage to Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) and his famous crown motif, Banksy is also referring to another artist Keith Haring (1958-1990), who used white chalk to draw on empty black subway advertising panels in New York. Lastly the ferris wheel signifies the endless wheel of capitalism and consumerism. “Fast Food Caveman” shows a caveman with a fast food tray and as he doesn’t seem very happy it is a critique towards the fast food diet that many people have chosen.
Banksy (b 1974) on elav tänavakunsti legend. Tema looming ja tegevus kõnelevad selgelt tema maailmavaatest ja pakuvad paljudele tuge ja lootust. PoCo muuseumis on võimalik näha erinevaid Banksy teoseid. Antud juhul viitavad aastaarvud ajale, mil teos esmakordselt muralina linnaruumi seinale ilmus või hoopis hotellitoa seinale Petlemmas Walled Off hotellis. PoCo muuseumi külastajad võivad imetleda järgnevaid teoseid: “Flower Thrower” (2003), “Girl with Balloon” (2003), “HMV” (2003), “Rude Copper” (2002), “Pillow Fight” (2007), “Banksquiat” (2019) ja “Fast Food Caveman” (2008). “Flower Thrower” on teos, mille Banksy tegi muralina Palestiina poolsele müürile, mis eraldab Iisraeli ja Palestiina alasid nng see näitab kuidas võtlus ilma relvadeta on võimalik. “Girl with Balloon” ilmus kõigepealt Londoni linnaruumi ning seejuures ka tekst “There is always hope”, seega sellest on kujunenud positiivsuse sümbol, ühtlasi tegeleb see teos lapsepõlve teemaga Banksy loomingus. “HMV” viitab kuulsale Inglismaa muusika ja meelelahutuse poele HMV, teose originaal “His Master’s Voice” on maalitud 1898. aastal Francis Barraud poolt ja see kujutab endast koera, kes tõepoolest huvitatult uuris, kust heli tuleb. Banksy teost võib vaadelda kui muusikatööstuse kaotatud lahingut, mis puudutab digitaalset ajastut. “Rude Copper” kujutab endast Inglise politseinikku, kes vaatajatele keskmist sõrme näitab. Ühelt poolt võib mõelda sellele, et grafiti on illegaalne ning teisalt sellele, milline võim on seotud seadustega. “Pillow Fight” asub Walled Off hotelli Banksy nimelise toa seinal ning sellel on kujutatud Iisraeli piirivalve politseinikku ja Palestiina meest pikaajalise konflikti asemel süütut padjasõda pidamas. “Banksquiat” on austusavaldus Ameerika kunstnikule Jean-Michel Basquiat’le (1960-1988) ja tema kuulsale krooni motiivile, Banksy viitab ka teisele kunstnikule Keith Haringule (1958-1990), kes kasutas valget kriiti, et New Yorgi metroo vabadele mustaga kaetud reklaampindadele joonistada. Viimaseks pakub vaateratast ainest, et näha kapitalismi ja tarbimise lõputut ringi. “Fast Food Caveman” näitab kiirtoidu kandikuga koopainimest ning kuna ta ei näe väga õnnelik välja, siis on see kriitika kiirtoidu osas, mille paljud inimesed oma tavapäraseks toiduks valinud on.