Hand With A Cigar


Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) was a French artist, who is the father of readymade. Namely, he started using existing objects in his art, which he combined unusually and presented them as his artworks. “Hand with a Cigar” was made specifically for the Givaudan gallery exhibition Ready-mades and Editions of and by Marcel Duchamp in 1967. The hand is Duchamp’s and the smoke is from a photo of a pipe smoked by George Brassens who was a French singer-songwriter.

Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) oli Prantsuse kunstnik, keda võib pidada readymade’i isaks. Nimelt hakkas kunstnik oma loomingus kasutama valmis objekte, mida ta ebatavaliselt kombineeris ning kunstiteostena esitles. “Hand with a Cigar” loodi spetsiaalselt Givaudani galerii näituse “Marcel Duchampi Readymades and Editions” jaoks 1967. aastal. Käsi kuulub Duchampile ning sigareti suits on võetud fotolt, kus piipu suitsetas Prantsuse laulja ja laulukirjutaja George Brassens.