Money Lisa
Anthony James Coffey (b 1967) is an American artist. His artwork “Money Lisa” is his take on the most famous painting in the world “Mona Lisa” (1503) by Leonardo da Vinci. These days one cannot talk about just the art world anymore, but as much about the business world. Even though art is still all about creativity and freedom for many, for others art is strictly business. The famous auction houses keep setting records for the most expensive artworks being sold. Therefore, one can contemplate, who would they prefer to have on the notes if it was up to them and what do they feel about the new normality of art and business walking hand in hand.
Anthony James Coffey (s 1967) on Ameerika kunstnik. Tema teos “Money Lisa” on kunstniku versioon maailmakuulsast Leonardo da Vinci maalist “Mona Lisa” (1503). Kaasajal ei saa enam ainult kunstimaailmast rääkida, vaid juttu tuleb teha ka ärimaailmast. Isegi kui kunst tähendab paljude jaoks endiselt loomingulisust ja vabadust, siis teistele on kunst puhas äri. Kuulsad oksjonimajad püstitavad muudkui rekordeid kõige kallimate müüdud teoste osas. Seega võib mõtiskleda, kelle pilti soovitaks rahatähtedele kui see nende teha oleks ning mida arvata uuest normaalsusest, kus kunst ja äri sammuvad käsikäes.