CryptoPunk #7053
Larva Labs are a team of Canadians Matt Hall and John Watkinson, who are creative software developers, who have collaborated both with Microsoft and Google. They have created digital art on the blockchain, namely “CryptoPunks”, who are 10 000 unique characters. Originally, people could acquire “CryptoPunks” for free in the Ethereum blockchain and it was one of Ethereum’s first NFT projects. By now, all the characters have found their owners. Yet, there’s an open market, so they can be sold and purchased. For example, the blue background signifies that a “CryptoPunk” is not for sale and the red background shows that it is available for purchase. In the last year there have been over 1900 sales and the current lowest price for an available “CryptoPunk” is just under 100 000 dollars.
Larva Labs on Kanada meeskond, kuhu kuuluvad Matt Hall Watkinson ja John, kes on loomingulised tarkvara arendajad, kes on teinud koostööd nii Microsofti kui ka Google-ga. Nad on loonud digitaalset kunsti plokiahelas. Täpsemalt “CryptoPunks”, kes on 10 000 erinevat karakterit. Algselt võisid soovijad tegelaskujusid tasuta Ethereumi plokiahelas endale saada ning see oli üks esimesi Ethereumi NFT projekte. Nüüdseks on kõik tegelased oma omaniku leidnud. Samas, võib nendega endiselt kaubelda, näiteks sinise taustaga “CryptoPunk” ei ole müügis ja punase taustaga “CryptoPunk” on nende omanike poolt müügile pandud. Viimase aasta jooksul on olnud üle 1900 müügi ning käesolevalt on odavaim pakkumisel olev “CryptoPunk” müügis hinnaga veidi alla 100 000 dollari.