Make Art Not War
Shepard Fairey (b 1970) is an American artist and founder of OBEY clothing. He began as an artist in the mid 1980s, when he started placing his drawings on T-shirts and skateboards. He graduated from Rhode Island School of Design in 1992 with BA in illustration. Fairey is the author of Barack Obama poster “Hope” for his election campaign in 2008. “Make Art Not War” is an altered version of the 1960s slogan “Make Love Not War”. The artwork also references visually to the 1960s as an era, which used the art nouveau style of the 1920s for hippie movement psychedelic posters in the 1960s. Fairey’s artwork puts art in the center instead of love. Therefore art can be seen as a tool of fight and the artwork glorifies art as creative power.
Shepard Fairey (s 1970) on Ameerika kunstnik ja OBEY rõivabrändi looja. Ta alustas kunstnikuna 1980. aastate keskel, mil ta hakkas oma joonistusi t-särkidele ja ruladele panema. Ta on lõpetanud Rhode Islandi disainikooli 1992. aastal bakalaureusekraadiga. Fairey on Barack Obama 2008. aasta valimiskampaania plakati “Hope” autor. “Make Art Not War” on 1960. aastate loosungi “Make Love Not War” muudetud versioon. Teos viitab ka visuaalselt 1960. aastatele kui ajastule, mis kasutas 1920. aastate juugendstiili esteetikat 1960. aastate hipiliikumise aegsete psühhedeelsete plakatite puhul. Fairey teos seab armastuse asemel keskmesse kunsti kui nö võitlusvahendi ja ülistab loomingulisuse väge.