John Giorno

John Giorno (1936-2019) was an American poet and performance artist. Already since the 1960s he was trying to move his poetry out from the paper with paintings, performances and installations. Giorno can be seen as a poet who became an artist. Giorno was the star in Andy Warhol’s 1964 avant-garde film “Sleep” and at the time they were lovers. Besides Warhol Giorno was acquainted with other artists and he started using the Pop art approach in his poetry. Namely, he felt that in comparison with art the poetry was standing still, therefore innovating poetry became his mission. Just like Warhol used found photographs from the newspapers and magazines, Giorno started using found words from the printed media and creating “verbal collages”. In the 1960s Giorno collaborated with Robert Moog, who created the synthesizer. Together they made psychedelic poetry installations. In 1968 he created “Dial-A-Poem”, which allowed to call and listen to poetry. “Dial-A-Poem” was both praised and banned because of its topics and bluntness, for example same sex relationships, critique about the Vietnam war and police violence in the States.

John Giorno (1936-2019) oli Ameerika luuletaja ja performansikunstnik. Juba 1960. aastatest alates on ta oma luulet nö paberilt välja tõsta üritanud, seda siis maalide, performasite ja installatsioonide näol. Giornot võib ka näha kui luuletajat, kellest sai kunstnik. Giorno oli Andy Warholi 1964. aasta avangardfilmi “Sleep” peaosatäitja ning tollal oli ta ka Warholi kallim. Lisaks Warholile käis Giorno läbi ka teiste kunstnikega ning hakkas popkunsti lähenemist ka oma luules rakendama. Nimelt tundis ta, et võrreldes kunstiga seisis luule paigal, seega sai luule uuendamisest tema missioon. Nii nagu Warhol kasutas fotosid, mis ta ajakirjandusest leidis, hakkas Giorno kasutama ajalehtedest ja ajakirjadest leitud sõnu ning looma nö verbaalseid kollaaže. 1960. aastatel tegi Giorno koostööd ka Robert Moogiga, kes lõi esimese süntesaatori, koos tegid nad psühhedeelilisi luuleinstallatsioone. 1968. aastal lõi ta “Dial-A-Poem’i”, mis võimaldas helistada ja luuletusi kuulata. “Dial-A-Poem” oli oma teemade ja avameelsuse tõttu nii kiidetud kui ka keelatud, sest see käsitles nii samasooliste suhteid, Vietnami sõja kriitikat kui ka politsei vägivalda Ameerikas.