Keep It Real
Banksy (b 1974) is from Bristol, United Kingdom and he is the most famous anonymous street artist. At the same time he is a political activist. His signature style is using stencils and creating work that is dealing with extremely current issues. “Keep It Real” features a chimpanzee and the character is one of the most recognizable Banksy characters. The 10 chimpanzees first appeared in Brighton in 2002, where Banksy was commissioned a mural for a nightclub. Back then they carried a different message: ‘Laugh now, but one day we’ll be in charge”. Since then he has been using these characters and over the time they have brought forward different messages. The chimpanzee on the artwork is standing with stooping shoulders, hence becoming the symbol for obedience and on the other hand referring to the dominant class which has created it. As always, Banksy has created something visually sharp and critical.
Banksy (s 1974) on pärit Bristolist, Inglismaalt ja ta on kõige tuntum anonüümne tänavakunstnik. Ühtlasi on ta ka poliitiline aktivist. Tema käekiri on šabloonide kasutamine ning teoste loomine, mis tegelevad äärmiselt palju aktuaalsete teemadega. “Keep It Real” kujutab šimpansi, kes on üks kõige äratuntavamaid Banksy tegelaskujusid. 10 šimpansi ilmusid esmakordselt Brightonis 2002. aastal, kus need olid tellimustöö ööklubile. Tollal kandsid nad teistsugust kirja: ‘Laugh now, but one day we’ll be in charge”. Alates sellest ajast on ta neid tegelasi kasutanud ning aja jooksul on nad erinevaid sõnumeid esitanud. Kuna teosel seisab šimpans õlad kühmus, siis ühelt poolt on tema kuvand kuulekuse sümbol ning teiselt poolt viitab ta ka selle loonud valitsevale klassile. Nagu alati, on Banksy loonud visuaalselt midagi teravat ja kriitilist.