Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) was a French artist, who is the father of readymade. Namely, he started using existing objects in his art, which he combined unusually and presented them as his artworks. One of his first readymades is a “Bicycle wheel” (1913), which is basically a high stool on top of which is a mounted single bicycle wheel. One of his most famous readymades is the “Fountain” (1917), which is basically an urinal, which is out of the context and signed with his pseudonym R. Mutt. “L.H.O.O.Q.” aka “La Joconde” depicts a notorious painting “Mona Lisa” (1503) by Leonardo da Vinci, only Duchamp took a postcard and drew Mona Lisa a mustache and a goatee. The artist was not a little boy at the time, but in his early 30s, yet he did something that is known as appropriation – taking someone else’s artwork without permission and making it your own by simply using it or adding something to it. When it comes to the title, one must know French to appreciate the wodplay: “Elle a chaud au cul” (“There is fire down below”).
Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) oli Prantsuse kunstnik, keda võib pidada readymade’i isaks. Nimelt hakkas kunstnik oma loomingus kasutama valmis objekte, mida ta ebatavaliselt kombineeris ning kunstiteostena esitles. Tema üks esimesi readymade’i on “Bicycle wheel” (1913), mis on sisuliselt kõrgele toolile monteeritud üks jalgratta ratas. Kunstniku tuntuim readymade on “Fountain” (1917), mis on sisuliselt kontekstist välja tõstetud pissuaar, mille kunstnik on signeerinud oma pseudonüümiga R. Mutt ning seda kunstiteosena esitlenud. “L.H.O.O.Q.” tuntud ka kui “La Joconde” on teos, mis kujutab kurikuulsat Leonardo da Vinci maali “Mona Lisa” (1503), kuid Duchamp on Mona Lisa postkaardile vuntsid ja kitsehabeme ette joonistanud. Kuigi kunstnik ei olnud siis enam poisike, vaid oma varastes 30ndates aastates, siis tegi ta midagi, mis on tuntud kui aproprieerimine – kellegi teise kunstiteose loata võtmine ja seda kasutades selle enda omaks tegemine või sellele millegi lisamine. Mis puudutab teose pealkirja, siis peab selle sõnamängu hindamiseks valdama prantsuse keelt: “Elle a chaud au cul” (“There is fire down below”).