Thinking Nude; Nude with Blue Hair; Nude with Yellow Flower; Blue Nude
Roy Lichtenstein
Roy Lichtenstein’s mid 1990s artworks Thinking Nude, Nude with Blue Hair, Nude with Yellow Flower and Blue Nude are a part from his later work and some are part of 9 screenprints, which form the Nudes series. In his later years Lichtenstein came to nudes, a genre, which is a classic in art history. For his series he used both hand cut and computer generated stencils. As an addition to the print series he created some paintings on the same subject matter. Even though Lichtenstein worked on nudes first time in his career, he used his signature style from the 1960s. What’s more, he used comics as reference just like he did when he first began. Yet he undressed the women he had found in comic strips. Therefore he consciously made women provocative and they act as objects of desire.
Roy Lichtensteini 1990. aastate keskel loodud teosed “Thinking Nude”, “Nude with Blue Hair”, “Nude with Yellow Flower” ja “Blue Nude” on osa tema hilisest loomingust ja osa neist kuulub tema 9-osalisesse aktide seeriasse. Oma elu lõpuaastail võttis kunstnik esile aktimaali, žanri, mis on kunstiajaloos klassikaline. Ta kasutas seeria tarbeks nii käsitsi lõigatud kui ka arvuti genereeritud šabloone. Lisaks trükikunsti seeriale lõi Lichtenstein antud teemal ka mõned maalid. Kuigi Lichtenstein tegeles aktidega oma karjääris esmakordselt, siis kasutas ta enda 1960. aastate loomingule omast käekirja. Veelgi enam, ta kasutas oma tolle aja loomingule iseloomulikult eeskujuna koomikseid ning riietas seal olnud naised lahti. Seega kunstnik muutis naised taotluslikult provokatiivseteks ihaldusobjektideks.