We Are Tired Of Your Wars
Luca Oddoni (b 2000) aka OneFake is an Italian artist. He has been fascinated by the works of Banksy for a long time. “We Are Tired Of Your Wars” is a perfect example of this as it uses Banksy’s legendary “Keep It Real” from 2003 which features a chimpanzee, who is wearing a sandwich board, which says: “Keep It Real”. So at the first glance, Oddoni’s and Banksy’s artwork look like they are from the same series, but being familiar with Banksy’s art, one can recognize the original and the remake made by a different artist. In the PoCo museum one can see both artworks and witness the influence of Banksy on other artists.
Luca Oddoni (s 2000) aka OneFake on Itaalia kunstnik. Teda on pikka aega vaimustanud Banksy looming. “We Are Tires Of Your Wars” on suurepärane näide, kuna see kasutab Banksy legendaarset 2003. aasta teost “Keep It Real”. Esmapilgul näivad Oddoni ja Banksy teosed olevat sama seeria teosed, kuid olles kursis Banksy loominguga, on võimalik ära tunda originaal ja selle alusel tehtud teise kunstniku teos. PoCo muuseumis on võimalik näha mõlema kunstniku teost, seega saab oma silmaga olla tunnistajaks mõjule, mida Banksy on teistele kunstnikele avaldanud.