Protect Dreams, Dreams Protect
Björn Koop (b 1982) is an Estonian designer, who works as a Mitsubishi car designer in Japan. Previously he was working as a Kia car designer in Germany. He created especially for PoCo two new artworks, one on the wall using tape and the other on the screen being a digital work. Of course, these artworks are related to the designers work, but they may also be viewed in the context of the current era with electric and self-driving cars being a normality. One can only wonder, will people be flying their cars soon enough.
Bjõrn Koop (s 1982) on Eesti disainer, kes töötab Jaapanis Mitsubishi autodisainerina. Eelnevalt töötas ta Saksamaal Kia autodisainerina. Ta lõi PoCo muuseumile spetisaalselt kaks teost, ühe teipidega seinale ja teise digitaalsel kujul ekraanile. Muidugi on mõlemad teosed seotud disaineri tööga, kuid neid saab vaadata ka kaasaja kontekstis, kus elektri- ja isejuhtivad autod on normaalsus. Seega jääb üle vaid mõtiskleda, kui kaugel on aeg, kus inimesed oma autodega lendavad.