ERKI moeshow plakat
Aapo Pukk
Aapo Pukk (b 1962) is an Estonian artist, who was a student of graphic art at Estonian Academy of Arts in 1984 when he designed the poster for the ERKI fashion show. Since Estonia was part of the Soviet Union back then the posters weren’t allowed to be used because they were considered inappropriate by the authorities. Luckily there are posters that survived and considering that they were created nearly 40 years ago, they come across as rather contemporary. As Aapo Pukk is mostly known as a renowned portrait artist, it is interesting to see his earlier graphic work in the PoCo museum.
Aapo Pukk (s 1962) on Eesti kunstnik, kes 1984. aastal ERKI moehow plakatit kujundades oli Eesti Kunstiakadeemia graafikaosakonna tudeng. Kuna tollal kuulus Eesti veel Nõukogude Liidu koosseisu, siis mõistagi ei lubatud plakatit kasutada kuna seda peeti võimude poolt kohatuks. Õnneks on keelatud plakateid aga säilinud ning arvestades asjaolu, et need on ligi 40 aastat tagasi loodud mõjuvad nad vägagi kaasaegselt. Kuna Aapo Pukk on tuntud kui tunnustatud portretist on väga huvitav PoCo muuseumis tema varasemaid trükikunsti teoseid näha.