Red Jackie
Even though the wife of 35th American president John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis wasn’t a Hollywood star like Marilyn Monroe or Elizabeth Taylor, Andy Warhol treated her alike and turned her into an icon in his 1964 artwork. After the assassination of president Kennedy in 1963 Warhol created a monochrome series of Jackie. As an artist Warhol was interested in death and he depicted electric chairs, took photos of car accidents and found straight after the murder of Kennedy that he had to get to work. Even though it was an event that shocked the society, depicting the president and his wife shows how well Warhol kept his finger on the pulse of history.
Kuigi 35. Ameerika Ühendriikide presidendi John F. Kennedy abikaasa Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis ei olnud Hollywoodi staar, siis kohtles Andy Warhol teda sarnaselt Marilyn Monroe ja Elizabeth Tayloriga ning muutis ta oma 1964. aasta teosel tolle aja ikooniks. Warhol lõi Jackiest monokroomse seeria tema abikaasa mõrva järgselt 1963. aastal. Warhol tundis kunstnikuna huvi surma vastu, seega ta kujutas nii elektritoole, pildistas autoavariisid kui ka leidis vahetult pärast Kennedy mõrva, et ta peab kohe tööle asuma. Kuigi tegemist on ühiskonda šokeeriva sündmusega, siis näitab presidendi ja ta abikaasa kujutamine seda kuivõrd hoidis Warhol kätt ühiskonnas toimuva pulsil.