Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto
Diederik van Apple (b 1985) is a Dutch artist. His childhood was spent among the comics and his favourites were Walt Disney, Marvel and Tin Tin books. He was also delighted by movies such as James Bond, Pulp Fiction and The Godfather. In 2003 he started his law studies, but in a couple of years time he realized he can’t express his creativity in the chosen field of study. Therefore he made a change and started as an art gallery representative in Amsterdam in 2005. In this period he found his true passion – art. 2017 was when the wider audience got to see his work and his popularity has been growing ever since. Van Apple uses mixed media, both photography and elements from popular culture in his creation. His artworks are on the aluminum foil and he adds colours, glitter and holograms. The last step is to cover the artwork with layers of epoxy. Current artwork in PoCo museum depicts the bank card of Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto, which is a pseudonym for Bitcoin creator or creators. Bitcoin was released in 2009 and it is the world’s largest cryptocurrency.
Diederik van Apple (b 1985) on Hollandi kunstnik. Tema lapsepõlv möödus koomiksite keskel ja tema lemmikud olid Walt Disney, Marveli ja Tintini raamatud. Samuti vaimustus ta filmidest nagu näiteks “James Bond”, “Pulp Fiction” ja “The Godfather”. 2003. aastal alustas van Apple juuraõpingutega, kuid mõistis paari aasta pärast, et ta ei saa sellel erialal oma loomingulisust väljendada. Seega tegi ta oma elus pöörde ja alustas 2005. aastal tööd kunstigalerii esindajana Amsterdamis. Sellel perioodil leidis ta oma tõelise kire – kunsti. 2017. aastal tuli ta oma loominguga avalikkuse ette ning tema populaarsus on aina kasvanud. Van Apple looming on segatehnika, ta kasutab nii fotograafiat kui ka populaarse kultuuri elemente. Tema teosed on tihti alumiiniumist lõuenditel ning sinna on lisatud värve, sädelust ja hologramme. Viimane samm on teoste katmine epoksiidi kihtidega. Käesolev kunstiteos PoCo muuseumis kujutab endast Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto pangakaarti. Tegemist on pseudonüümiga, mille taga on Bitcoini looja või loojad. Bitcoin on maailma suurim krüptovaluuta, mis on kasutusel alates 2009. aastast.