Variant Plan #4
Jeff Davies is an American NFT artist and Chief Creative Officer at At Blocks company. He studied painting and printmaking at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He has been creating digital art since 1999. Davies worked as an art professor for twenty years and his work has been exhibited around the world including London, Tokyo, Mexico City and New York. Each artwork depicts a computer generated line network and besides blue lines on the white background, there are artworks that are built using the colours vice versa. There are 199 unique artworks in the “Variant Plan” series and it is in the Ethereum blockchain.
Jeff Davies on Ameerika NFT kunstnik ja Art Blocks ettevõtte juhtiv kunstiline töötaja. Ta õppis maalikunsti ja graafikat Chicago Kunstiinstituudi koolis. Alates 1999. aastast on ta loonud digitaalset kunsti. Davies töötas 20 aastat kunsti õppejõuna ning tema loomingut on esitletud ülemaailmselt, sh Londonis, Tokyos, Mexicos ja New Yorgis. Iga “Variant Plan” teos kujutab arvuti genereeritud joonte võrgustikku ning lisaks sinistele joontele valgel taustal on ka vastupidiselt üles ehitatud teoseid. “Variant Plan” seerias on 199 unikaalset teost ning need on Ethereumi plokiahelas.