Fight for Love

21st century

Marco Lodola

Marco Lodola’s Fight for Love depicts the legendary Superman. The film and comic book character was created in 1933 by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster. Lodola has also interpreted other superheroes in his work, including Batman, Robin, Hulk, Wonder Woman. Andy Warhol, with his depiction of Marilyn Monroe in the early 1960s, laid the foundation for the icons of American Pop art – contemporary celebrities. However, Lodola, as a representative of the younger generation and an Italian artist, uses fictional characters whose international fame may be greater than that of the stars of the 20th century. Many people need heroes and miracles and Lodola amplifies their presence in his art.

Marco Lodola “Fight for Love” kujutab legendaarset Supermani. Filmi- ja koomiksitegelane loodi juba 1933. aastal kirjanik Jerry Siegeli ja kunstnik Joe Shusteri poolt. Lodola on oma loomingus tõlgendanud ka teisi superkangelasi, sh Batman, Robin, Hulk, Wonder Woman. Andy Warhol pani 1960. aastate alguses Marilyn Monroe kujutamisega aluse Ameerika popkunsti ikoonidele – kaasaja kuulsustele. Lodola kui noorema põlvkonna esindaja ja Itaalia kunstnik kasutab aga väljamõeldud tegelasi, kelle rahvusvaheline kuulsus võib olla suuremgi kui 20. sajandi staaridel. Paljud inimesed vajavad kangelasi ja imetegusid ning Lodola võimendab nende kohalolu oma loomingus.