

Andy Warhol (1928-1987) could easily be a synonym for pop art. His creative work has become iconic and independent in its own right and his personality and life carry a specific aura. One of the most famous Andy Warhol’s quotes is: “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” Warhol’s fame lives on, but he predicted the age we are living at with constant availability for recording and sharing on social media. “Flowers” is a series for which Warhol got sued. In fact, it was his common practice, to use found images from newspapers and magazines, but this time the photographer of the original flowers photograph sued him for using the image he had shot. Warhol was claimed not guilty and it created a precedent for similar cases in the future.

Andy Warhol (1928-1987) nimi võiks hõlpsasti olla popkunsti sünonüüm. Tema looming on muutunud ikooniliseks ja iseseisvaks ning tema isiksus ja elu kannavad endas erilist aurat. Andy Warholi üks kuulsamaid tsitaate on: “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” “Flowers” on seeria, mille eest Warhol kohtusse kaevati. Olgugi, et see oli Warholi tavapärane praktika, et ta kasutas ajalehtede ja ajakirjade väljalõikeid, siis seekord kaevas fotograaf, kes oli lilli pildistanud Warholi kohtusse, sest ta oli tema pildistatud lilli kasutanud. Warhol tunnistati õigeks ja see omakorda lõi pretsedendi sarnasteks juhtumiteks tulevikus.