In Greed We Trust
Anonymous artist
The author of this artwork is anonymous, but he is in dialogue with Mount Rushmore, a national monument in South Dakota, United States. The carved granite sculpture depicts the four presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, specifically their 18-meter heads. The sculptor was Gutzon Borglum, and his project was implemented between 1927 and 1941. The presidents depicted in this piece are: George Washington ($ 1), Ulysses S. Grant ($ 50), Abraham Lincoln ($ 5), Andrew Jackson ($ 20), and Benjamin Franklin ($ 100). Their covered faces seem to indicate someone who wants to hide, and the message above their heads speaks of greed. All in all, the governments of different countries have to juggle enormous amounts of money.
Antud teose autor on anonüümne, kuid ta on dialoogis Lõuna-Dakotas Ameerika Ühendriikides asuva riikliku mälestusmärgiga Mount Rushmore. Graniiti raiutud skulptuur kujutab nelja presidenti: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt ja Abraham Lincoln, täpsemalt nende 18-meetriseid peasid. Skulptor oli Gutzon Borglum ning tema projekti viidi ellu 1927–1941. Käesoleval teosel on kujutatud presidendid on: George Washington (1 $), Ulysses S. Grant (50 $), Abraham Lincoln (5 $), Andrew Jackson (20 $) ja Benjamin Franklin (100 $). Nende kaetud näod viitavad justkui kellelegi, kes end varjata tahab ning nende peade kohal olev sõnum räägib ahnusest. Kokkuvõttes peavad erinevate riikide valitsused žongleerima tohutute rahasummadega.