Ho incontrato Alighiero Boetti alla Biennale di Venezia nel 1990
Maurizio Cattelan
Maurizio Cattelan (b 1960) is a self-taught Italian artist. He is known for his hyperrealistic sculptures and installation art. Some call him the prankster of the art world. In 1999 he made an artwork “The Ninth Hour”, which depicts Pope John Paul II lying on the ground after a meteorite hit him. In 2019 he used duct tape to install a banana to the wall as an artwork called “Comedian”. Current artwork is a parody of Jenny Holzer’s “Truism” (1978-1987) texts. Jenny Holzer (b 1950) is an American artist who is mostly known for her text based artworks, which are supposed to engage people in public spaces. Whether people have laughed or been provoked by her messages such as “Abuse of power comes as no surprise”, “Boredom makes you do crazy things” or “Bad intentions can yield good results”.
Maurizio Cattelan (s 1960) on iseõppinud Itaalia kunstnik. Ta on tuntud oma hüperrealistlike skulptuuride ja installatsioonide poolest. Mõni nimetab teda kunstimaailma vembumeheks. 1999. aastal lõi ta teose “The Ninth Hour”, mis kujutab endast paavst John Paul II põrandal lamamas pärast seda, kui meteoriit on teda tabanud. 2019. aastal kasutas kunstnik nn MacGyveri teipi, et banaan seina külge kunstiteosena nimega “Comedian” installeerida. Käesolev kunstiteos on paroodia Jenny Holzeri “Truism” (1978-1987) tekstide põhjal. Jenny Holzer (s 1950) on Ameerika kunstnik, kes on oma loomingus läbivalt kasutanud tekstipõhist lähenemist, mis on inimesi avalikus ruumis haaranud. Iseasi, kas inimesi on ajanud naerma või hoopis provotseerinud sõnumid nagu “Abuse of power comes as no surprise”, “Boredom makes you do crazy things” või “Bad intentions can yield good results”.