Horrid Frame
Iris Pokovec (b 1992) is a Slovenian artist. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design at the University of Ljubljana in 2017 with a master’s degree. Menagerie is her artistic brand, which deals with topics of marketing slogans and consumerism in a fun way. All three artworks in the PoCo museum are part of the collection 12 Art Prints. “Horrid Frame” asks the owner of the artwork to put it in the most desperate frame they can find. Historically art used to be exclusive, besides frame making is an art form in its own. In the context of mass production and consumerism creating and consuming art and frames can be seen in a funny and critical way.
Iris Pokovec (s 1992) on Sloveenia kunstnik. 2017. aastal sai ta magistrikraadi ülikoolist Ljubljana Academy of Fine Arts and Design. Menagerie on tema kunstipärane bränd, mis tegeleb turunduse hüüdlausete ja tarbimise teemaga lõbusal viisil. Kõik kolm PoCo muuseumi teost on osa kollektsioonist 12 Art Prints. “Horrid Frame” palub, et kunstiteose omanik paneks ta kõige lootusetumasse raami, mis ta leida suudab. Ajalooliselt oli kunst eksklusiivne, samuti oli raamide valmistamine omaette kunst. Massitootmise ja tarbimise kontekstis saab kunsti ja raamide loomist ning tarbimist vaadata humoorikalt ja kriitiliselt.