Algebra of Awe


Julius Horsthuis

Julius Horsthuis (b 1980) is a Dutch fractal artist. After a 15-year career in the film and entertainment industry, he began experimenting with fractal animation techniques. Horsthuis has gained international attention and has done background visuals for Lady Gaga and Avicii, among others. His work Algebra of Awe brings together mathematics, geometry and algebra. For the artist, the work is particularly meaningful because 10 years ago he took his first steps in the world of fractals. On the one hand, the work requires technical mastery, and on the other hand, it is fun for the creator. Horsthuis also compares the luminous fractals of the work to distant galaxies. The visual journey is accompanied by the song Cloudless Sky by the artist Mirage of Deep.

Julius Horsthuis (s 1980) on Hollandi fraktaalkunstnik. Olles teinud 15 aastat karjääri filmi- ja meelelahutustööstuses hakkas ta katsetama fraktaalanimatsiooni tehnikatega. Horsthuis on saavutanud rahvusvahelist tähelepanu ning muuhulgas teinud taustavisuaale Lady Gagale ja Aviciile. Tema teos “Algebra of Awe” toob kokku matemaatika, geomeetria ja algebra. Kunstniku jaoks on teos eriti tähenduslik kuna 10 aastat tagasi astus ta fraktaalide maailmas oma esimesi samme. Ühelt poole eeldab teos tehnilist meisterlikkust ning teisalt on see looja jaoks lõbus. Horsthuis võrdleb teose helendavaid fraktaale ka kaugete galaktikatega. Visuaalset teekonda saadab artisti Mirage of Deep lugu “Cloudless Sky”.