I Made This, It’s Beautiful, But It Doesn’t Mean Shit



Iris Pokovec (b 1992) is a Slovenian artist. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design at the University of Ljubljana in 2017 with a master’s degree. Menagerie is her artistic brand, which deals with topics of marketing slogans and consumerism in a fun way. All three artworks in the PoCo museum are part of the collection 12 Art Prints. Current artwork “I Made This, It’s Beautiful, But It Doesn’t Mean Shit” makes the audience question the view according to which only beautiful art is good. Also, sometimes the aesthetically pleasing art can be considered lacking the content and message, therefore Menagerie reminds the viewers that everything might not be the way it seems.

Iris Pokovec (s 1992) on Sloveenia kunstnik. 2017. aastal sai ta magistrikraadi ülikoolist Ljubljana Academy of Fine Arts and Design. Menagerie on tema kunstipärane bränd, mis tegeleb turunduse hüüdlausete ja tarbimise teemaga lõbusal viisil. Kõik kolm PoCo muuseumi teost on osa kollektsioonist 12 Art Prints. Käesolev kunstiteos “I Made This, It’s Beautiful, But It Doesn’t Mean Shit” paneb publiku kahtlema vaatepunktis, mille kohaselt ainult ilus kunst on hea kunst. Ühtlasi, mõnikord arvatakse, et esteetiliselt nauditav kunst on sisutühi või ilma sõnumita, seega Menagerie tuletab vaatajatele meelde, et kõik ei pruugi olla nii nagu see näib.