Lucky Strike III
Keith Haring (1958-1990) was an American artist. His “Lucky Strike III” is a commercial work, basically a cigarette advertisement. In the first half of the 1980s he collaborated with Swatch designing watches and made an advertisement campaign for Absolut vodka. In 1986 Haring opened the Pop Shop in Soho, New York, where he sold T-shirts, posters, magnets etc with his images. Even though he received some criticism from fellow artists, his main goal was to reach as wide an audience as possible. His friends, fans and mentor Andy Warhol showed a lot of support towards the Pop Shop. Haring died when he was only 31 years old because of AIDS related complications, but he had a very intense career regardless and his legacy lives on.
Keith Haring (1958-1990) oli Ameerika kunstnik. Tema “Lucky Strike III” on tellimustöö, põhimõtteliselt on see sigarettide reklaam. 1980. aastate esimesel poolel tegi ta koostööd Swatchiga ja disainis neile kellasid ning ühtlasi tegi ta reklaamkampaania Absolut vodkale. 1986. aastal avas Haring New Yorgis Sohos oma poe, kus ta müüs oma signatuurstiilis t-särke, postereid ja magneteid. Kuigi ta pälvis kaaskunstnikelt kriitikat, siis tema eesmärk oli oma loominguga jõuda võimalikult laia auditooriumini. Tema sõbrad, fännid ja mentor Andy Warhol olid ettevõtmise suhtes väga toetavad. Haring suri vaid 31-aastaselt AIDSiga kaasnevate komplikatsioonide tõttu, kuid vaatamata sellele oli tal väga intensiivne karjäär ning tema loominguline pärand elab edasi.