I Shop, Therefore I Am
Barbara Kruger (b 1945) is an American artist, who is internationally renowned for her trademark style featuring collages of black and white photographs and bold red and white slogans on top of them. Kruger’s most well-known artworks are “I Shop, Therefore I Am” (1987) and “Your Body is a Battleground (1989)”. Some of the topics raised in her artistic practice are identity, consumerism and feminism. In 2005 she received the Golden Lion for her lifetime work at the Venice Biennale and in 2021 Kruger was featured on TIME magazine list of 100 most influential people. In PoCo one can see “I Shop, Therefore I Am” which is a 1990 version of the artwork and it is a photolithograph on a paper shopping bag.
Barbara Kruger (s 1945) on Ameerika kunstnik, kes on rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud oma kaubamärgiks saanud stiili poolest, nimelt loob ta kollaaže, kus ta kasutab mustvalgeid fotosid ja nende peal olevaid kõnekaid punase-valge kirjaga sõnumeid. Krugeri tuntumad teosed on “I Shop, Therefore I Am” (1987) ning “Your Body is a Battleground” (1989). Mõned teemad, mida ta oma loomepraktikas esile tõstab on identiteet, tarbimine ja feminism. 2005. aastal sai kunstnik Veneetsia biennaalil Kuldse Lõvi auhinna elutöö eest ning 2021. aastal oli Kruger TIME ajakirja 100 mõjukama inimese nimekirjas. PoCo muuseumis on võimalik näha 1990. aasta versiooni teosest “I Shop, Therefore I Am” ning tegemist on fotolitograafiaga paberist poekotil.