Like is the new Love
Herkki-Erich Merila
Herkki-Erich Merila (b 1964) is an Estonian photographer and member of DeStudio art group. Robert Indiana (1928-2018) was an American artist, who is known for the paintings and sculptures that depict word love with a tilted letter o. Indiana was inspired by a sign God is love seen in the church and minimalist paintings by Ellsworth Kelly (1923-2015), namely Red Blue Green (1963). In 1965 MoMA commissioned Christmas postcards from Indiana and the motif became hugely popular. Merilas artwork is in dialogue with Indiana and it reflects contemporary times, where social media allows people to express their likes with just a click.
Herkki-Erich Merila (s 1964) on Eesti fotograaf ning rühmituse DeStudio liige. Robert Indiana (1928-2018) oli Ameerika kunstnik, kes on tuntud viltuse o-tähega sõna love kujutavate maalide ja skulptuuride poolest. Indiana oli inspireeritud nii kirikus nähtud sõnumist “God is love” kui ka Ellsworth Kelly (1923-2015) minimalistlikest maalidest, täpsemalt “Red Blue Green” (1963). 1965. aastal tellis MoMA Indianalt jõulupostkaardid ning motiiv sai ülimalt populaarseks. Merila teos on dialoogis Indiana omaga ning see peegeldab kaasaega, kus sotsiaalmeedia võimaldab inimestel oma meeldimist vaid klikiga väljendada.